Bright Angle Retreat
Writers find Space
Writers Find Space

Supporting Playwrights and Creative Expression hosted two writers in September and October.

Supporting Playwrights and Creative Expression or SPACE provided free SPACE for two Playwrights this Fall. Writers Lisa Dillman and MT Cozzola kicked off SPACE’s first season. SPACE launched in May 2024 and already the residencies have succeeded. The two SPACES for writing are quite different, but they each fit our artists very nicely.

Right for Writers

Whistle-pig Woods in Indiana is a small shed converted into a tiny house. Lisa was most impressed at the ‘feel’ of the place. “Very conducive for writing..I gaze out the little window at my desk and see a path through woods with a lake, barely visible beyond. So lovely.”

MT was equally pleased with Bright Angel Retreat,  a house in a forest a block from Lake Michigan. “I’m here and I’m stunned! Not sure what I was imagining but this is absolutely beautiful. Overwhelming and I can’t believe I’m here.”

SPACE housing includes many places to walk or bike, along rivers and lakes all across the country. Each place is hosted primarily by female hosts who is connected or has a passion for the arts. Passion for creative work is key to what makes SPACE work. SPACE is strongly connected to nature. We are gardeners, environmentalists, native plant specialists as part of our artistic life.

We are thrilled for the successes of our first year and know there will be many more! 

Future of SPACE

Currently, we are setting SPACES for 2025 and adding the Berkeley Hills House in California and the Converted Barn loft/workshop in Tennesee. SPACE’s goal is to add 2 to 3 SPACES a year. Ten SPACES around the country is achievable!

Primarily, we are looking for SPACE in the Southwest and the Northwest to accommodate writers from those areas. If you, or anyone you know want to be a host, we are looking for small apartments, tiny houses, converted barns that are private and quite. SPACE housing is to be at least 50% women owned with the host close to site, if the artist is in need. Often, hosts offer a dinner or a glass of wine during the stay but it is not a requirement. Contact us at

A few times I heard our writers say they were ‘grateful’ but I know we with SPACE feel like the grateful ones. This grand experiment is working and the connections are deep. This is everything we dreamed.  

To learn more about MT and Lisa go to: or

We would like to add several new SPACE sites in the next 12 months and, of course, we want more writers to contact us. Contact SPACE at

Supporting Playwrights helps writers find SPACE